The Ripples

I’m addicted to water ripples. I see them and I feel so serene. I recently moved from the west coast to the south and I was afraid of losing the ripples and the waves- the things that at the time made me feel serenity. I remember feeling that the water was the only thing thatContinue reading “The Ripples”

Procrastination at its Finest

I read an article recently about Bipolar and procrastination. That article renamed procrastination as whatever you do to procrastinate. For me, this looks like procrasti- painting, procrasti-nature, procrasti-sleeping, procrasti-thinking, procrasti-kayaking, procrasti-blogging, procrasti-vaping and much more. Instead of doing the important stuff, I lean towards the other items. I spend my main time painting abstract art,Continue reading “Procrastination at its Finest”

Can He really hear me?

In my darkest moments…the moments that I feel alone, awkward, afraid, panicked, or in shock – can He really hear me? When I say “He”, I am referring to the Creator of the universe, the Alpha and Omega, the Great “I AM”. Can HE hear me? I have to admit that recently I would answerContinue reading “Can He really hear me?”

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