
I recognize that not all who read this blog will have a faith in Jesus Christ and my intent is not to change your belief system. My intent with this post is to simply define what an advocate is and how we can be one in our own lives and what our limitations are.

There is a song by “Rend Collective”, called “Advocate”.

The lyrics of this song share the characteristics of Jesus and how they compare to advocacy. The song says that an advocate, rushes to defend, fights for people, champions a cause, keeps promises, etc. Now, the rest of the characteristics are things that only a “Higher Power” would be able to do- such as “you are my righteousness”, carries the weight of others, “right every wrong”, etc. These are perfect examples of what we should expect to accomplish for ourselves, when we advocate for ourselves. We should expect, with time, to be able to defend ourselves, fight for ourselves, champion what is important for ourselves and to keep the promises we have for ourselves. What we should not expect- to make ourselves pure and perfect, completely carry the weight of ourselves and somehow take back our past.

The reality is that we can do so much for ourselves, but there comes a point that we need a higher power. There is a stopping point to what we can advocate for ourselves. For example, I can work hard to have and maintain a good schedule, have a positive attitude, achieve my goals, love others, be kind to myself, push through days that our hard, but it is only God that ultimately pulls us through to achieve those things. It is through a higher power that I can actually truly love others and truly love myself. It is through that higher power that I can finish my college work, push through the ongoing and relentless depression and take a shower. A higher power pulls us through, even if we do not always believe or see that now.

This last year, I have tried to work through my challenges by myself- and have rejected, for the most part, a higher power. I believed that it was science that would help me get back to myself- whatever that meant. The truth is- I cannot do anything without my higher power- they are my advocate.

I would encourage you today to seek. There is a third step prayer in Alcoholics Anonymous that says that following:

“God (Higher Power), I offer myself to Thee-

to build with me and to do

with me as Though wilt.

Relieve me of the bondage of

self, that I may better do Thy

will. Take away my difficulties,

that victory over them may

bear witness to those I would

help of Thy power, Thy love,

and Thy way of life.

May I do Thy will always”!

One last thought/story. In 2014, I was in treatment for my substance abuse disorder. I had been lost to my higher power for a while but was trying to be obedient to my sponsor’s direction (in AA). She asked me to pray the third step prayer in the AM before I got to treatment. So, here I was, on a bus on my way to treatment. So, I looked into the mountains, past the water and I boldly exclaimed that prayer. I also added, if you are real- REVEAL yourself to me. The end … He (or They) did.

Today, I pray that same prayer to myself and to you. Reveal yourself to me. even in small ways.

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